Few people realise to what extent furnishings, internal wall, floor, ceiling finishes and building materials can have on the health of building users. The chemicals used in the manufacture of paints, furniture etc can very often emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s). These chemicals often lead to Building Related Illness (BRI), and if the cause cannot be established with absolute certainty Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). More people are complaining to their doctor of general malaise and often a variety of seemingly unexplained symptoms such as chronic fatigue, burning eyes, dry coughs, headaches, attacks of dizziness, skin rashes, loss of concentration, unusual tiredness, temporary loss of memory, depression, or extreme irritability.
Building Survey Doctor can direct you towards benign building products and furnishings to help create a healthy living environment for you and your family.
Other factors that can have a detrimental effect on a building user’s health include electro smog, for example, microwave transmissions from nearby phone masts, electromagnetic fields from nearby high voltage power lines, and electrical appliances. A typical symptom being disturbed sleep.
It has been demonstrated that even at a distance of fifty metres (over 150 feet) from high voltage transmission lines that the incidence of leukaemia and cerebral tumours is twice as high as for the rest of the population.
Building Survey Doctor is able to provide a Healthy Home Audit to identify potential sources of illness.
Healthy Home Audit Report from £105.