Full Building Survey
Very often there can be ongoing problems with buildings that can seriously affect the building fabric, overall value and quality of life of its owners as well as health issues. Building Survey Doctor is able to offer a full in depth survey of a building covering all elements including external grounds. If any problems are found we are able to provide estimates for any work required.
Building Survey Doctor recommends you use accredited contractors who offer guarantees for any work carried out.
Most reputable builders belong to a trade body for example, the Federation of Master Builders, the Guild of Builders and Contractors, or the National Federation of Builders. Ask the builder for client for references and check them out. It’s also worth checking whether the builder uses sub-contractors, and if they have insurance if something goes wrong.
Once a decision is made to carry out required building work the client should ensure that they know exactly what they are getting. Make sure the builder provides a detailed quote, and ask how long the price is guaranteed for. For any substantial works you should seriously consider using a recognised contract.
Specific Defects Report
If you have specific problems with your domestic or commercial premises Building Survey Doctor will diagnose the cause of the problems, prescribe the correct solutions, and provide an estimate for the work required.
This report is designed for the detailed inspection of specific defects in a property and the provision of a detailed Surveyor’s Report on our assessment of the specific defect.
Reactive Specific Defects Survey (condensed)
The Condensed Specific Defects Survey is to identify the cause of an on going building defect, propose a solution, and give an estimate for the required work.This survey is suitable for a client that wants to correctly identify, and remedy a building defect as economically as possible.This survey can be adapted for landlord negligence, litigation, and insurance purposes if required.
Healthy Home Audit
Few people realise to what extent furnishings, internal wall, floor, ceiling finishes and building materials can have on the health of building users. The chemicals used in the manufacture of paints, furniture etc can very often emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s).
These chemicals often lead to Building Related Illness (BRI), and if the cause cannot be established with absolute certainty Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).
More people are complaining to their doctor of general malaise and often a variety of seemingly unexplainable symptoms such as chronic fatigue, burning eyes, dry coughs, headaches, attacks of dizziness, skin rashes, loss of concentration, unusual tiredness, temporary loss of memory, depression, or extreme irritability.
Building Survey Doctor is able to provide a Healthy Home Audit to help create a healthy living environment for you and your family.
Compensation From Negligent Landlords (black mildew, damp, etc)
If you are a tenant suffering from ill health or injury due to poor living conditions then Building Survey Doctor can help you bring a claim by providing evidence of negligence against your landlord.
We are able to provide a professional survey report to identify the cause of the problem and reinforce your case. As damp and mould cases are not straightforward you need a specialist to help advise you.
A surveyor’s report will provide the court with expert evidence explaining the extent of property’s disrepair, which will prove a landlord’s negligence. You should also obtain a medical report from your doctor.
Cases like this can be taken by a solicitor on a no win no fee agreement.
If you are on a low income or receiving benefits, you could be eligible for Legal Aid. You can find this out by contacting your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or law centre.
Green Building Advice
Factors influencing a building’s environmental impact are the materials used in the building’s construction. Building Survey Doctor will where possible, specify benign materials from sustainable sources for all work carried out unless the client specifies otherwise.
Building Refurbishment
Refurbishing a building can be both a timely, and costly exercise which potentially holds many pitfalls for the inexperienced.
Building Survey Doctor can provide a comprehensive selection of services to the public and private sectors including; office refurbishment, fit-out, restoration, decorating and cyclical maintenance throughout South-East Wales.
Listed Buildings
Carrying out unauthorised work to a listed building can land the buildings owner in trouble if they do not acquire the necessary consents. If unauthorised works have been carried out on a listed building, the local planning authority can prosecute the building’s owner and serve a listed building enforcement notice, even if the works were done by a previous owner(though you can appeal).
Building Survey Doctor has knowledge and experience of listed buildings, and will be able to provide a client with the necessary information to meet their requirements.
It should be noted that work to listed buildings often costs 30-50% more than in contemporary buildings, due to the materials and skilled labour involved.
Building Survey Doctor is available to carry out most property inspections as long as one or two days notice is given, and reports are usually available five to seven days after the property inspection.
- Building Survey Doctor operates as an independent firm and, as such, will act personally and directly for the Client.
- Will engage in discussion with the Client and explain any aspect or findings in further detail.
- Confirms terms of appointment and the fee basis on acceptance of instructions.
- Offers total loyalty to the Client and absolute discretion.
- Responds promptly to telephone calls and correspondence.
- Is committed to act in a timely manner and to an agreed time-scale.
- Reports clearly and concisely in plain English.
- Is committed to act courteously.
Please see specific links for prices.